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What should you know about how to archive mails? We will tell you now

Email archiving

What does it mean to archive mailsEmail archiving is when you store the no longer necessary email data and shift the data to another storage device where it can stay for years to come. Archiving is mainly used for data that is currently not being used and inactive email data.

Why should you archive emails?

This question has haunted people for some time, and it is a question that is worth asking. Without knowing the importance of something, it’s hard to appreciate it and to get the most of it. It applies in the case of email archiving too. That is why we are going to go through some of the main reasons as to why email archiving is a must.

  • Retention of all data: Email Archiving helps you keep a copy of the complete email data that comes in and goes out of the organization. It ensures that record management is done thoroughly since data is stored on a regular basis.
  • Continuity: In the case of email server issues and Internet connection being lost, archiving is a blessing. Why? It is because you will have your email archives stored somewhere where you can quickly get access to them. It ensures business continuity at all times.
  • Data mining: Effective data mining can be done on your email data since you will have a record of everything on a daily basis. Many organizations have already benefitted from this sort of data mining which helped them to gain more knowledge about the way the business is operating.
  • Save money: Storing on the email server is quite expensive compared to storing your email archives on your Mac or any other storage device. Did you know that you can save over 80% of the costs? That is huge especially for an organization that is ever growing and exchanged thousands of emails on a daily basis.
  • Company historical data: Email archiving is the most useful method of storing and keeping all of the enterprise’s email data. No other method even comes close to email archiving. Hence, it is a powerful tool that must be a vital part of every organization and business.

Must have features of an archiving tool

What are the must-have features of any archiving tool? Here are some things that an archiving tool should have:

  • It should be able to work on its own after you set it up once. There should be minimal user intervention required from your side at any point in time.
  • It should have proper data retention policy in place so that only the needed emails are archived. You should have the freedom to choose the folders that you want to archive as well.
  • It should have the ability to save the email archives in multiple locations of your choice, and you should have the freedom to change these places at will.
  • There should be proper record management in place allowing all the data to be saved while preserving the integrity of the email data at all times.
  • There should be at least one layer of security applied to the email archives which would keep the email data safe from any misuse, security breach, and any other modification.

Archive mails efficiently with this tool

Mail Backup X by InventPure is one of the only archiving tools that will help you to archive any emails with complete ease and comfort. You can use this archiving software without any external help from anyone else! That is one of the most charming things about this fantastic archiving tool. Mail Backup X is a complete set of software tools that make archiving fun and fast.

Here is what this archiving marvel is capable of:

  • Unprecedented speed: Imagine you have several GBs worth of email data that needs to be archived. Mail Backup X takes only a few minutes to archive that data completely in the most efficient manner! The speed is phenomenal, and no other converter has been able to come close.
  • Preservation: Retention and preservation are very important aspects of email archiving. This software tool helps to retain and preserve everything so that the data remains the same in its original format. Also, there is no data loss which means complete data integrity of all your email data!
  • Support for all languages: Every language is supported. So if you have something in any language other than English, then it will be preserved. Hence, this also ensures that all the email text is accurately maintained and retained when it is being archived.
  • Any email service: You can archive emails from all email services. This includes email services that are popular as well as IMAP and POP email services. Hence, you can archive emails from various email services if you want. For example, you might be using four different email services, and you can archive emails from all of them!
  • Freedom to choose a location: You can choose the location of the email archiving in an easy manner. You can archive in as many locations as you want. Moreover, you can set up mirror backups and distributed backups easily. There is an FTP client provided with the software which allows you to save on a secure FTP server as well.
  • Auto-sync: You can sync an external storage device too! This feature stores the archived email folders in the storage device of your choice and in the location you specify. The emails will be automatically copied when the device is plugged into your Mac!

Benefits of archiving emails with software tool

Mail Backup X is a splendid archiving tool that helps you to archive your emails just like you want to. Here are some of the bonuses that you will get when you use this archiving software:

  • You will be eligible for lifetime updates. Updates are vital for the software to be useful in the coming time as well. Since Mac OS changes every year, this software ensures that it is compatible with the latest version as well.
  • You will get to archive emails from five different email accounts from different email services. If you need more, then you can purchase more anytime you wish.
  • The security of your emails is ensured since the email archives are saved in a read-only format, and there is encryption on every email archive that is stored.

There is one last thing. You can try the trial version of Mail Backup X right now on your Mac! That too, for free! Download the trial version now! Test now!